
Decide with Decyz

Cuz Checkmate Beats Check-Wait

We help You Take Decyzions

No Coaching

No Counselling

Just Decision Making

In Areas Of


3 forces

that hold back your decision making…

  • Decision Making And Inertia

    1. Inertia

  • Impact Of Uncertainty On Decisions Making

    2. Uncertainty

  • Impact Of Biased Advice On Decision Making

    3. Biased Advice

facing these 3 forces, the fear of making the wrong decision can be paralyzing.

That is why, you need…


  • Decyz will be your personal one-on one advisor that will help you confront ‘that’ decision that you have swept under the carpet. We work with you in your specific decision making conundrum until its resolution. We don’t coach, nor do we mentor because we know you don’t need either. What you need is to make a specific decision!

  • At Decyz, we aren't just experts – we are real people who've faced tough choices ourselves and then we invested decades studying the decision making process. Hence we bring genuine life experiences to the table, helping you navigate specific decisions with practical, down-to-earth advice.

  • Biased external stakeholders is decision making’s worst enemy. Hence, we are not biased and nor do our interests conflict, unlike your friends, family, lawyers, doctors, financial advisors, who despite their best intentions, can not help but be biased due to often conflicting interests!

  • Whether it's a major life change or a smaller, everyday decision, Decyz is here for you. We understand that sometimes, even the small choices can feel huge, and we're ready to help you through them all.

  • Your life, your decisions. We get that. Decyz offers personalized support that's all about what you need, not one-size-fits-all solutions. We listen, we understand, and we guide you based on your unique situation.

Our Approach

At the heart of our approach lies the distinction between reversible and irreversible choices and understanding this is a game-changer: it empowers you to approach decisions with the right mindset, reducing anxiety and increasing clarity. Hence, we help you make your pending decision in 3 steps…

Decyz In 3 Steps

Adeel. A

Hi, I'm Adeel, the founder of Decyz. Life's thrown me into diverse roles as a boardroom leader, an investor, as an entrepreneur to a mentor, an athlete and finally as a family man, each packed with its own decisions. I've always been intrigued by the choices we make, how we make them and their eventual impact.

Seeing other people also struggle with decisions, big or small, compelled me to start Decyz.

Decyz is not a coaching or mentoring service; rather it's your A-Team for making specific decisions in life with an actionable one-on-one process that eliminates the inertia, biased advice and uncertainty that cloud your choices.

So, if you're stuck on a decision, you're in the right spot. Welcome to Decyz – where we slice through the bullshit and zero in on decisions.

Some testimonials

  • Sandra Loeb

    Through his leadership, he brought to life global ideas creatively and efficiently. He would always make sure he was consistent with the overarching concept but was able to find ways to make it relevant to his region.

    He was very collaborative and solution-oriented, making working with him and his team an absolute pleasure.

  • Amar Saxena

    His exceptional blend of analytical acumen and creative thinking empowers him to develop and execute impactful strategies across the board.

    Adeel excels in navigating complexities and has a remarkable ability to identify and leverage emerging trends for a competitive edge.

  • Daniel Parkinson

    I worked closely with Adeel during our business integration project. Adeel took responsibility for changing the local organisations planning cycle in order to fit with our US parents very different and continuous reporting process.

    He demonstrated superior communication skills, a high attention to details and focus.