Privacy Policy

Last Updated: February 13, 2024

  1. Introduction

    At Decyz, we understand the importance of privacy and are committed to protecting the personal information of our clients, website visitors, and all individuals who interact with our services.

    This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and protection of your personal information. It applies to information collected through our website (, during individual coaching sessions, and through any other interactions you may have with Decyz.

     The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about how we handle your personal data, the measures we take to ensure its protection, and your rights concerning your information. Our practices are designed to be in full compliance with the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) and, where applicable, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for clients within the European Union.

    Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we are dedicated to handling your personal information with care, respect, and transparency. By engaging with our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you have any concerns or questions regarding our privacy practices, we encourage you to contact us directly so we can address them promptly.

  2. Scope & Consent

    2.1 Definition of the Scope of the Privacy Policy

    This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information collected by Decyz from individuals who interact with our services. This includes, but is not limited to, clients who seek one-on-one coaching, counselling, and advisory services, individuals who purchase merchandise or digital products from us, and visitors to our website, The policy covers information collected through various means, including electronic forms, website interactions, email communications, and during coaching sessions, whether conducted in-person or via online platforms.

    2.2 Information on How Consent is Obtained and the Implications of Consent

    Consent plays a pivotal role in how we handle your personal information at Decyz. We obtain your consent in several ways, depending on the nature of your interaction with our services:

    • Website Visitors: By accessing and using our website, you consent to the collection and use of your information as described in this Privacy Policy, particularly through cookies and similar tracking technologies, as detailed in the "Cookies and Tracking Technologies" section. You will be prompted to acknowledge and accept our use of cookies when you first visit our website.

    • Clients: For individuals who engage in our coaching, counselling, and advisory services, consent is obtained explicitly when you sign up for our services, purchase our products, or otherwise engage with Decyz. This may involve agreeing to specific terms and conditions that include consent to this Privacy Policy and signing consent forms where necessary.

    • Implications of Consent: Giving your consent means that you allow Decyz to collect, use, and disclose your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. It enables us to provide personalized services, improve our offerings, and communicate with you effectively. Please note that you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, withdrawing consent may affect our ability to provide you with certain services or access to our products. If you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact us using the information provided in the "Contact Information" section of this policy.

    It's important to understand that in certain cases, we may collect, use, or disclose personal information without your consent where we are permitted or required to do so by law, or in emergency situations where the life, health, or safety of an individual is at risk.

  3. Data Collection and Types of Data Collected

    At Decyz, we prioritize the privacy and security of our clients and website visitors. Understanding the types of personal data we collect and how it is collected is crucial for maintaining transparency and trust. This section outlines the various categories of personal information we gather and the methods used for data collection.

    3.1 Types of Personal Data Collected

    We collect a range of personal data to provide and improve our services, including but not limited to:

    • Basic Personal Information: This includes your name, email address, telephone number, and any other contact details you provide when signing up for our services, purchasing our products, or subscribing to our newsletters.

    • Service-Related Information: Details about the decisions, advice, or counseling you seek, including notes and outcomes from coaching sessions. This information helps us tailor our services to meet your individual needs. 

    • Payment Processing Information: While we do not collect or store your financial information such as credit card numbers, transactions are processed through a third-party payment provider. We may collect limited payment-related information, such as payment confirmation and transaction IDs, to manage purchases and subscriptions. 

    • Website Interaction Data: Information on how you use our website, including pages visited, links clicked, and the time spent on our site. This data is collected through cookies and similar tracking technologies. 

    • Feedback and Communication: Any feedback, comments, or inquiries you provide, either through direct communication with our team or through surveys and feedback forms.

    3.2. Collection Methods

    • Forms and Direct Communication: We collect personal information directly from you when you fill out forms on our website, engage in email communications, sign up for services, or provide feedback.

    •  Website Usage and Cookies: Our website uses cookies and similar tracking technologies to collect data about your interactions and usage patterns. This information is used to improve website functionality and user experience. You will be informed about our use of cookies and have the option to accept or reject them. 

    • Service Engagement: Personal information is collected during coaching sessions, whether conducted in-person, via phone, or online platforms. This includes any information you share that is pertinent to the advice or decisions you seek.

    3.3. Special Section on Sensitive Data

    Given the nature of our services, we may collect sensitive data related to your selfhood, prosperity, and relationships. This includes personal insights, feelings, and experiences you share with us during coaching sessions or through other forms of communication.

    We understand the deeply personal nature of this information and are committed to handling it with the highest level of sensitivity and confidentiality. Sensitive data is collected solely for the purpose of providing personalized coaching and advice, and it is protected with stringent security measures to ensure your privacy and trust are upheld.

  4. Purpose of Data Collection

    At Decyz, the collection of personal data is driven by our commitment to offer exceptional and personalized coaching, counselling, and advisory services, as well as to ensure the smooth operation of our business and the provision of high-quality products. This section outlines the primary purposes behind our data collection efforts.

    4.1. Providing Personalized Coaching and Services

    One of the core reasons we collect personal data is to deliver tailored coaching and advisory services that meet the specific needs and objectives of our clients. The information gathered, including details on decisions, advice sought, and personal experiences, enables us to understand your situation better and provide relevant, impactful guidance. This personalization is at the heart of the value Decyz offers, ensuring that our services effectively support your decision-making processes.

    4.2. Operational Purposes

    Operational purposes encompass a wide range of uses necessary for the day-to-day management and functioning of our business. This includes:

    • Processing transactions and managing client accounts, including facilitating payments for our services and products.

    • Providing customer support and responding to inquiries, which requires access to contact information and details of your requests or concerns.

    • Enhancing the security of our website and services, including the implementation of measures to prevent fraud and unauthorized access to personal information.

    4.3. Merchandise Sales

    For clients interested in purchasing Decyz merchandise or digital products, we collect limited payment processing information such as payment confirmation, transaction IDs and shipping details to process orders and ensure timely delivery. This data collection facilitates a smooth transaction process, allowing us to fulfill orders efficiently and accurately.

    4.4. Marketing and Promotional Purposes

    With your consent, we may use your personal data for marketing and promotional purposes. This could include:

    • Sending newsletters, offers, and information about new services or products that may be of interest to you.

    • Customizing and improving our marketing efforts to better match your interests and preferences.

    It's important to note that you have the right to opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us at any time. If you decide that you no longer wish to receive such communications, you can easily unsubscribe through the link provided in our emails or by contacting us directly.

    4.5. Data Analysis and Improvement

    We also use aggregated and anonymized data for analysis purposes, helping us understand how our services are used and identifying ways to improve them. This analysis aids in enhancing user experience, developing new services or features, and optimizing our website and operational efficiency.

  5. Data Sharing and Disclosure

    At Decyz, we are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of the personal data entrusted to us. This section outlines the circumstances under which your data might be shared with third parties, as well as our policies regarding the transfer of data across borders, especially for clients outside Switzerland.

    5.1. Circumstances Under Which Data Might Be Shared with Third Parties

    • Service Providers: We engage with various service providers who perform functions on our behalf, such as payment processing, website hosting, data analysis, marketing assistance, email delivery, and customer service. These service providers have access to personal data needed to perform their functions but are contractually obligated not to use it for other purposes. They are also required to maintain the confidentiality and security of the data.

    • Legal Requirements: There may be instances where Decyz is required to disclose personal data in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including meeting national security or law enforcement requirements. Additionally, we may disclose personal data as necessary to comply with legal obligations, such as court orders, or in connection with a legal process, or to protect and defend the rights or property of Decyz, our clients, or third parties.

    • Merger, Acquisition, or Sale: In the event that Decyz is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, personal data may be transferred as part of the transaction. In such cases, we will provide notice before your personal data is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

    5.2. Data Transfer Across Borders

    Given that Decyz is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and operates internationally, it is possible that personal data we collect may be transferred to and processed in countries other than the country in which you reside. This includes transfers to countries outside of Switzerland and the European Union (EU), where data protection laws may differ from those in your jurisdiction.

    • Compliance with Legal Standards: When transferring personal data across borders, Decyz takes appropriate measures to ensure that the data is protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable data protection laws. This includes adhering to legal frameworks that ensure an adequate level of protection for personal data transferred outside of Switzerland and the EU, such as the use of Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission.

    • Client Consent: In some cases, we may seek your consent for the transfer of your data across borders, especially when it is necessary to provide the services you have requested or for the performance of a contract.

  6. Data Security Measures

    At Decyz, we prioritize the security of your personal data but recognize that our security measures are significantly contingent upon the practices and protocols of our service providers, including content management systems (CMS), payment processors, and other third-party platforms. While we cannot control every aspect of data security, we are committed to selecting and working with service providers that uphold high standards of data protection. Below is an overview of the measures we take, within our scope, to enhance the security of your personal data, alongside our reliance on third-party providers:

    6.1. Collaborative Security Measure

    • Service Provider Selection: We carefully select third-party service providers who demonstrate a strong commitment to data security and privacy. Our selection process includes reviewing their security practices, compliance with applicable laws, and their ability to provide safeguards for the personal data they handle on our behalf.

    • Encryption and Secure Transmission: While our direct control over encryption is limited, we prioritize service providers that use industry-standard encryption technologies for data transmission and storage. This helps ensure that your sensitive information is protected against unauthorized access during its lifecycle.

    • Access Control: Access to personal data within Decyz is limited to employees and contractors who need the information to perform their job functions. For data stored or processed by third-party service providers, we rely on their access control mechanisms and policies to safeguard your information.

    • Monitoring and Compliance: We regularly communicate with our service providers to verify their adherence to agreed-upon security standards and practices. Although we cannot directly monitor their systems, we expect transparency and prompt notification in the event of a security breach affecting our data.

    • Adaptability to Service Provider Policies: Recognizing our dependence on third-party platforms, we adapt our internal policies and practices to complement the security measures implemented by our service providers. This may involve specific data handling procedures, secure data transfer methods, and incident response strategies aligned with our providers' capabilities.

    6.2. Organizational Commitment

    • Awareness and Training: We ensure that our team is aware of the importance of data protection and familiar with our reliance on service providers for security measures. Training focuses on recognizing the limitations of our direct control and the importance of choosing reputable providers.

    • Incident Response Coordination: In the event of a data breach or security incident involving third-party service providers, our incident response efforts will be coordinated with the affected providers. We are committed to taking appropriate steps, within our control, to address the incident, mitigate its impact, and communicate transparently with affected individuals.

  7. Data Retention

    At Decyz, we are mindful of the importance of managing personal data responsibly, which includes not retaining data longer than necessary. Our data retention policies are designed to ensure that personal data is kept only for as long as it serves the purposes for which it was collected or as required to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. Below we outline our approach to data retention and the criteria used to determine retention periods.

    7.1. Retention Periods

    Client Data

    Personal data collected from clients, including information shared during coaching sessions, contact details, and transaction history, is retained for as long as the client account is active or as needed to provide services to the client. Following the termination of services, personal data is kept for a period necessary to comply with legal obligations (such as tax and accounting requirements), which typically ranges from 5 to 10 years depending on the jurisdiction, or to resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.

    Website Visitor Data

    Information collected from website visitors through cookies and other tracking technologies is retained for a period that is consistent with the purpose of the data collection and in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This period varies depending on the type of cookie or technology used, but it is typically not longer than necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in the policy.

    Marketing Data

    Data used for marketing purposes, such as email addresses for newsletter subscriptions, is retained until the individual opts out or unsubscribes from the marketing communications. Upon opting out, the data is either deleted or anonymized, unless it needs to be retained for other lawful purposes.

    7.2 Criteria for Determining Retention Periods

    The criteria used to determine the retention periods for personal data include:

    • Purpose of Collection: Data is retained for as long as necessary to fulfill the specific purposes for which it was collected, as detailed in the "Purpose of Data Collection" section of this policy.

    • Legal Obligations: Retention periods may be influenced by legal and regulatory requirements that obligate us to keep certain data for a specified period (e.g., financial records for tax purposes).

    • Contractual Obligations: For clients and partners, data retention is also influenced by any contractual obligations that require retaining data for the duration of the contract and for a certain period thereafter.

    • Security and Dispute Resolution: Data may be retained for a period beyond the original purpose if it is necessary for security reasons, to protect Decyz's legal interests, or to resolve disputes.

  8. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

    Decyz utilizes cookies and other tracking technologies on our website to enhance the user experience, understand how our services are used, and improve the effectiveness of our offerings. This section provides an explanation of these technologies, their purpose, and how you can control them.

    8.1. Explanation of Cookies and Tracking Technologies


    Cookies are small text files placed on your device when you visit a website. They are used to store information about your interactions with the site, such as your preferences, login status, and information needed to ensure the website functions efficiently.

    Other Tracking Technologies

    In addition to cookies, we may use web beacons, pixels, and other tracking technologies to collect information about your activities on our website. These technologies help us understand user behavior, measure the success of our marketing campaigns, and compile statistics about website usage and response rates.

    8.2. Purpose of Use

    Functionality and Performance

    Some cookies and tracking technologies are essential for the operation of our website, enabling features like authentication, maintaining your session, and improving website performance. Without these technologies, certain functionalities may not work properly.

    Analytics and Customization

    We use these technologies to gather analytics on website usage, such as the number of visitors, the pages viewed, and the overall time spent on our site. This information helps us tailor the website to better match user preferences and improve user experience.


    Cookies and similar technologies enable us to display targeted advertisements and assess the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. They help us provide content that is more relevant to your interests.

    8.3. Controlling Cookies and Tracking Technologies

    Browser Settings

    You have the ability to accept or reject cookies through your web browser settings. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but allow you to modify settings to decline cookies if you prefer. However, disabling cookies may limit your use of certain features or functions on our website and services.

    Consent Management Tools

    Our website provides you with the option to manage your consent preferences for cookies and tracking technologies. Upon your first visit to our site, you will be presented with a consent banner where you can choose which types of cookies you allow us to use.

    Third-Party Opt-Outs

    For cookies and tracking technologies used by third-party advertisers, you may also opt-out through specific third-party websites or through industry-wide initiatives such as the Network Advertising Initiative's Opt-Out Tool.

  9. Rights of Data Subjects

    Decyz recognizes and respects your rights regarding your personal data under applicable data protection laws. This section outlines the rights you hold as a data subject and provides information on how you can exercise these rights.

    9.1. Rights of Individuals

    Right of Access

    You have the right to obtain confirmation from us as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and information regarding its processing.

    Right to Rectification

    If the personal data we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request the rectification of that data.

    Right to Erasure ("Right to be Forgotten")

    You can request the deletion or removal of your personal data when there is no compelling reason for its continued processing.

    Right to Restriction of Processing

    You have the right to request the restriction of processing of your personal data, which means the data can only be processed with your consent or for certain limited purposes.

    Right to Data Portability

    This right allows you to receive the personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and to transmit that data to another controller without hindrance from us.

    Right to Object

    You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on legitimate interests or the performance of a task in the public interest/exercise of official authority (including profiling), direct marketing, and processing for purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics.

    9.2. How to Exercise Your Rights

    To exercise any of the rights mentioned above, please contact us using the contact details provided in the "Contact Information" section of this Privacy Policy. We may ask you to verify your identity before we can act on your request to ensure the security of your data.

    We will respond to your requests within a reasonable timeframe, as required by applicable data protection laws. If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority.

    Decyz is committed to facilitating the exercise of your rights related to your personal data. We aim to handle all requests with the utmost care and respect for your privacy.

  10. Children's Privacy

    Decyz recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy and safety of children, particularly in the digital environment. Our services are not directed towards children under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect personal data from children under this age. This section outlines our approach to children's privacy and the measures we take to ensure compliance with applicable laws regarding the collection of children's data.

    10.1. Approach to Children's Privacy

    Age Verification

    In instances where age-relevant information is collected, Decyz implements age verification measures to prevent the collection of personal data from children under the age of 18. Our sign-up processes are designed to screen users for their age, and users are required to provide a declaration of age before proceeding.

    Parental Consent

    In jurisdictions where parental consent is required for the collection of personal data from children under a certain age, Decyz will take reasonable steps to verify that consent is given or authorized by the holder of parental responsibility over the child, taking into consideration available technology.

    Limitation of Data Collection

    For any service that might attract children, even though not directed towards them, Decyz ensures that only the minimal necessary personal data is collected, and such data is not used for further processing that might be harmful to children's privacy.

    10.2. Handling Children's Data

    No Intentional Collection

    If Decyz becomes aware that we have inadvertently collected personal data from a child under the age of 18 without verification of parental consent, we will take steps to delete the information as quickly as possible.

    Use of Children's Data

    On occasions where we do collect personal data from children with verified parental consent, such data is used strictly for providing the requested service and is not shared with third parties for other purposes without additional parental consent.

    Education and Transparency

    Decyz is committed to working with parents and guardians to ensure a safe online experience for children. We encourage parents and guardians to monitor their children's internet usage and to help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children never to provide personal data through our websites or services without their permission.

    We understand the special obligation to protect personal information obtained from children and are committed to protecting their privacy in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. If you are a parent or guardian and believe your child has provided us with personal information without your consent, please contact us immediately using the contact information provided in this Privacy Policy.

  11. Updates and Changes to the Privacy Policy

    Decyz is committed to maintaining the highest standards of privacy and data protection. As such, we may periodically update and make changes to this Privacy Policy to reflect new practices, technological advancements, legal requirements, or changes in our data processing activities. This section explains how we will communicate updates and changes to our Privacy Policy to ensure you remain informed about how your personal data is handled.

    11.1. Communication of Updates

    Notification of Changes

    Whenever significant changes are made to this Privacy Policy, we will provide notice to you in a timely manner. This may include an announcement on our website, or through other means deemed appropriate based on the nature of the changes.

    Accessibility of the Updated Policy

    The most current version of our Privacy Policy will always be accessible on our website. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about our data protection practices and your rights.

    Effective Date

    Each update to our Privacy Policy will be accompanied by an effective date, allowing you to easily identify when changes have been made.

    11.2. Importance of Reviewing Updates

    We understand that your personal data is important to you, and it is crucial for you to be aware of any changes in our privacy practices that may affect you. By continuing to use our services after changes have been communicated, you are acknowledging and accepting the updated Privacy Policy. If you have concerns or questions about any changes, we encourage you to contact us directly so we can provide further clarification and address your concerns.

  12. Contact Information

    At Decyz, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal data is handled in a secure and respectful manner. We understand the importance of transparency and open communication. Should you have any questions, concerns, or require further information about our privacy practices, how we handle your personal data, or if you wish to exercise any of your rights as outlined in this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    12.1. How To Contact Us


    For any privacy-related inquiries, you can reach us via email at We aim to respond to all queries promptly and comprehensively.

    Online Contact Form

    Additionally, you can use the contact form available on our website to submit your questions or concerns. This form is directly linked to our customer service team, who will forward your message to the appropriate department.

    12.2. Commitment to Prompt Response

    We are dedicated to addressing your concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible. Upon receiving your inquiry, we will acknowledge receipt and endeavour to provide a substantive response within a reasonable timeframe, in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

  13. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

    This Privacy Policy and the handling of personal data by Decyz are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland. This section outlines the legal framework that applies to this Privacy Policy and specifies the jurisdiction for resolving any disputes that may arise in relation to our privacy practices.

    13.1. Governing Law

    The laws of Switzerland shall govern the interpretation, validity, and enforcement of this Privacy Policy, without regard to its conflict of law principles. This choice of law is reflective of Decyz being based in Geneva, Switzerland, and ensures that our data protection practices are aligned with the stringent standards set forth by Swiss legislation, particularly the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP).

    13.2. Jurisdiction

    In the event of any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or in relation to this Privacy Policy, including the validity, invalidity, breach, or termination thereof, the parties shall first seek to resolve the dispute amicably through negotiation.

    If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation within a reasonable period, the parties agree that the dispute shall be submitted to the competent courts of Geneva, Switzerland. This jurisdiction is chosen to ensure that any legal proceedings are conducted in a forum familiar with the legal framework governing this Privacy Policy.

    For clients within the European Union, Decyz also acknowledges the applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). While Swiss law governs this Privacy Policy, we commit to adhering to the principles and obligations under GDPR for EU residents, ensuring their rights are respected and protected.