Decyz Method Of Decision Making

The Decyz Method

indecision to decyzion

At Decyz, we help you take decisions quickly and confidently through simple, yet powerful methods. Here is how we do it - the Decyz Method.

1. Analyse Reversibility

We begin by determining if your decision is reversible or irreversible. This crucial first step shapes our entire approach, ensuring strategies are tailored to the nature of your decision.

This tool also helps us classify your decision effectively, setting the foundation for the subsequent steps.

Decyz Method To Identify A Decision's Reversibility

2. Gather Information

Decyz Method To Gather Information For Decision Making

Then we conduct structured interviews by applying the Cognitive Behavioural Interview technique and 5 Whys Analysis to delve into the specifics of your situation, understanding the context and nuances.

The purpose is to drill down into the core of your decision-making needs, uncovering deeper insights and motivations.

3. Explore Options

Decyz Method To Explore Options For Decision Making

Once we have gathered enough information, we explore all possible options with you, employing various tools like SWOT Analysis, Decision Tree Analysis, Pareto Analysis and Prospect Theory Evaluation, among others.

The purpose is to identify those options that offer the most significant benefits with the least downside, while requiring the lowest resources.

4. Align Decision

Decyz Method To Align Decisions For Decision Making

Finally, in order to systematically evaluate and rank each choice against your objectives, we use simple, yet efficacious tools like the Decision Matrix, Expected Utility Theory and The Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA).

It’s not rocket science! Trust us.

Bringing It Altogether

The Decyz method and the tools it employs provide a structured approach to dissecting and evaluating your decision, ensuring that the decision-making process is thorough, informed, aligned with your goals and swift.

You can see the Decyz method in action in “How Decyz Works” where we explain our simple, yet powerful 3 stage process.

Don’t leave decision making to chance. Reach out to Decyz!